Workshop PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT (22-23 Agustus 2016)
July 28, 2016
Workshop Global Remuneration Professional (CGRP) & Compensation Professional Certification (CCP) – Batch 8 (23-24 Agustus 2016)
July 28, 2016

Workshop INTERNAL SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (22-24 Agustus 2016)

  3 Day Workshop


22-24 Agustus 2016, Epicentrum Walk Office Suites, Jakarta



The availability of materials (raw materials, spare parts, fuel, consumables, etc) is very important in the continuous and undisturbed operations of any company. This course will discuss the development of procurement function as a support function to all operations in the company (production, maintenance, projects, office, marketing, etc.). We will also discuss how to reorganized the procurement function into Supply Chain function.


Who Should Attend?


Managers and Staff of:

  • Procurement functions
  • Warehouse Functions
  • Inventory Planner
  • Logistics Function
  • Materials Specialists
  • Vendor Management


Benefit of Attending:


Improve the knowledge and skills in managing materials procurement. Aware of the new trend in supply chain management.


Course Outline

  1. Introduction
      • How important is Materials in the company?
      • Is Procurement function a service or a support function? What is its significance?
      • Looking back at the history of procurement.
      • The fact: no school for buyers.
      • Basic Principles of Materials Management
      • Five Rights in Materials procurement:  Right Price, Right Quantity,  Right Quality, Right Time, Right Source
      • The Evolution from Buying to Purchasing to Procurement to Supply Chain
  2. Material Costs
    • Cost OF Material (Price), Cost ON Material
    • Cost ON Material: Purchasing Cost, Holding Cost, Stock-out Cost
    • Purchasing Cost: Purchasing department operating cost
    • Holding Cost: Warehouse Operations Cost, Storage Risk Cost, Capital Cost
    • Storage Risk Cost: Pilferage, Breakage, Obsolescence
    • Stock-out Cost: Loss of Production Time, Loss of Sales, Demurrage, Crisis
    • Life Cycle Cost
      • Purchasing Cycle
      • Demand Management and Forecasting
      • Supplier Selection and Rating
      • Request for Proposal (RFP)
      • Request for Information (RFI)
      • Request for Quotation (RFQ)
      • Tender Process
      • Owner’s Estimate
      • Quality Assurance
      • Negotiation
      • Blanket Order
      • Professional Certification in Purchasing
      • Materials for Production
      • Materials for Projects
      • Materials for Maintenance operations (MRO)
      • Service Level
      • Inventory for Independent-Demand Items
      • Single Period Inventory (for projects and events)
      • Fixed-Quantity Model (Economic Order Quantity)
      • Fixed-Period Model
      • Safety Stock
      • Inventory for Dependent-Demand Items
      • Materials Requirement Planning
      • Discrete Lot Sizing
      • Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI)
      • Consignment
      • Demo: Monte Carlo Simulation of Safety Stock
      • Professional Certification in Inventory Management
  5. Material Skill
      • Material Knowledge
      • Material Skill
      • Value Analysis
      • Buying generic materials from OEM
  6. VENDOR MANAGEMENT : Vendor Rating
      • Inbound
      • Outbound
      • Layout
      • Warehouse Performance Metrics
      • FIFO and Materials Valuation
  8. INCOTERM 2010




  1. Ir. Antarikso Abdulrahman, MBA, CPIM

Beliau merupakan seorang Pakar yang telah memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 30 tahun dibidang Operation & Production Strategy, Project Management, Supply Chain, PPIC dan sebagainya. Beliau memperoleh gelar sarjana Teknik Mesin dari ITB, gelar master dalam bidang Manajemen Bisnis (MBA) dari Universitas Wincousin, USA, serta gelar doktornya di peroleh dari The Smeal College of Business Administration, Pennsylvania State University, Park, PA, USA. Beliau juga memperoleh sertifikasi keahlian dalam bidang Inventory dan Production Management (CPIM) dari American Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS).

Saat ini beliau aktif sebagain trainer & konsultan untuk berbagai perusahaan baik nasional maupun internasional. Beliau sering menjadi narasumber dalam kegiatan pelatihan-pelatihan tentang production operation, supply chain management, logistic & inventory management, project management dll. Beliau  memiliki pengalaman memberikan konsultasi untuk berbagai perusahaan  dengan beragam Project  diantaranya, International Labour  Organization (ILO), Asian Development Bank (ADB), The World Bank, PT Indoconsult, PT Arghajata , PT Redecon, PT Patria Utama Humanindo (Oil & Gas), Lembaga Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia dan beberapa perusahaan Migas pernah menggunakan jasa keahlian beliau.



Rp. 5.750.000,-nett/ orang,

Early bird Rp. 5.550.000 nett/ orang (pembayaran seminggu sebelumnya)

**Sudah termasuk Coffee Break 2X, Makan siang, Seminar kit, Sertifikat, T-Shirt ** Biaya Investasi ditransfer ke Syariah Mandiri Cabang Thamrin Jakpus  A/C. 7160820057  a.n. PT. Indo Human Resource, bukti transfer di fax ke 021- 29941055



CP        : Ms. Winda ( ,  Ms. Nurhayatin (

Telp     : (021) 299-41058 / 59 ext 110

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